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Torrent to Magnet

Quick Torrent to Magnet Link Converter | Batch Processing Supported

Click or Drop Torrent Files

Support batch upload of multiple .torrent files

Drag & DropBatch ProcessQuick Convert


What is a Magnet Link?

A magnet link is a type of Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) used for peer-to-peer file sharing that doesn't rely on central servers but instead uses Distributed Hash Tables (DHT) to locate resources. With magnet links, you can download files directly in supported client software without depending on specific servers or websites.

How to Use This Tool to Convert Torrent Files?

It's very simple: click on the upload area or drag and drop torrent files into the upload area, and the system will automatically parse and generate corresponding magnet links. You can upload multiple torrent files at once for batch conversion.

What Options Are Available for Generated Magnet Links?

You can find 'Link Options' below the generated magnet link, where you can choose whether to include file names, file sizes, and Tracker information. For Trackers, you can choose to include all Trackers or only the main Tracker.

Why Choose Magnet Links Over Torrent Files?

Magnet links are easier to share than torrent files because they are text-based and can be easily copied and pasted, without needing to download and store additional files. Additionally, magnet links are more persistent - even if the original torrent file becomes unavailable, you can still download the content as long as there are seeders in the network.

Does This Tool Store My Uploaded Torrent Files?

No. This tool processes all conversions locally in your browser and does not upload your torrent files to any server. We don't save any data related to your uploaded content, ensuring your privacy and security.

Which Download Clients Support the Generated Magnet Links?

The generated magnet links are compatible with almost all mainstream BT download clients, including but not limited to: µTorrent, BitTorrent, qBittorrent, Transmission, Deluge, etc. Simply choose 'Add Magnet Link' or a similar option in these clients and paste the generated link to start downloading.